(719) 400-9104

Fire mitigation and gutters. Contact Colorado mastication for scrub oak removal, brush clearing and tree removal. The material of gutters isn’t the only problem when it comes to wildfires. This part of the home collects a lot of debris as well as water, leading to fuel for the fires to spread. It’s important to make sure the materials are just right, but there are also maintenance steps you’ll need to take. Adding Gutters to the Home It could be worth replacing your gutters if you’re just moving into a property or you realize you haven’t replaced them in a while. If you’re building a new home, you’ll need to think about the material of the gutters anyway. You’ll usually find

There are many elements of the home to consider when it comes to managing the risk of wildfires and creating defensible space around your home in Parker. The eave is one element. It’s a No. 4 consideration, which means it’s not the biggest concern but you still want to pay close attention to it. Your eave will overhang the house to protect it from rain and sun. It will also trap heat in some cases, and this is where one of the big problems is when it comes to wildfires. Here’s a look at what eaves do, and how you can manage them to protect your home. How Eaves Can Draw in Wildfires The eaves will help to trap heat

To help curb out-of-control wildfires, there have been some communities adapted purposely to manage them. They’re designed in a way that puts the management and control of wildfires first. According to the United States Forest Service, these communities have an increased awareness of wildfires. They’re engaged and take actions to protect the area. The community will think carefully about infrastructure and building materials, as well as the surrounding ecosystem. It’s Not About Stopping Fire The aim of the fire-adapted communities isn’t to completely prevent fires from happening. Some wildfires are necessary. The communities are adapted in a way that makes fire part of their surrounding landscape. These fires are managed. They’re controlled to avoid damaging lives and property. Citizens are

Call today for a free estimate on fire mitigation in Franktown (719)400-9104. When building a home, you need to consider the dangers around. Those in wildfire zones will need to consider the location of the construction site carefully. Not only do you want a great view, but you need to keep the home as safe as possible from the spread of wildfire. There are a number of factors that affect the spread of fire. The terrain of the land is one of those, along with saddles, ridges, and even canyons. The direction a slope faces can also lead to the spread or prevention of wildfire. Here are the top considerations to make when selecting a construction site in a wildfire

To remove or prune scrub oak on your property, located in Larkspur or Douglas county, contact us now. Difference Between Live Oak and Scrub Oak Scrub oaks and live oaks have many similarities. However, they also have many differences that will affect their benefits they offer an environment. It’s important to know the differences to make sure you have the right type of oak in your home. Both will survive in harsh environments and they can be good for areas that have suffered devastating wildfires. However, the cultural requirements and growth habits can affect your choices. The Size and Life of the Different Oaks Live oaks are beautiful evergreen trees. They grow relatively slowly and tend to be shallow. You’ll

Free estimates: call (719)400-9104 for a free estimate on fire mitigation at your home in Sedalia and surrounding areas. Wildfire Mitigation Checklist When you’re going through the process of fire mitigation in Sedalia, you want to make sure it’s complete to the end. This isn’t about being a perfectionist, but about making your space as safe as possible. Leaving one stone unturned in the list of things to do can lead to that fire spreading. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fire. Sadly, wildfires are becoming more and more common, and you need to make sure you can leave at a second’s notice to keep everyone safe. Here’s your fire mitigation checklist to help reduce

Would like to find out how much will it cost to do fire mitigation in Colorado Springs? Call us today at (719)400-9104 for a free fire mitigation quote. How Can We Protect Our Homes for Wildfires? Wildfires in Colorado are extremely common. While you can’t stop the wildfires from happening in the majority of cases, there are steps to take to protect your home and family. Fire mitigation in Colorado Springs is essential. You’ll hear a lot about fire mitigation. At first, it can sound almost impossible. However, there are a number of steps that you can take to protect your home from wildfires. These tips aren’t guaranteed, but they help to minimize the risk. Make a Defensible Space Around

Give us a call for a free estimate on fire mitigation in Monument (719)400-9104. What Is Fire Mitigation? There’s no doubt that you’ve likely heard of the term “fire mitigation.” You may have even heard of it referred to as “wildfire mitigation.” What the people who use the terms don’t tell you is what the terms actually mean. What is it and why is fire mitigation so important? What Exactly Is Fire Mitigation? You’re doing as the term sounds: mitigating a fire. In the way the term is used, you’re taking steps to prevent the spread of wildfire. You’ll protect your home or another property from the risk of catching fire from the bush fires and forest fires that you

Scrub oak can be a troublesome shrub, so pruning it in areas such as Parker is very important for a lot of reasons. Scrub oak loves dry landscapes and can be found in at-risk areas of wildfire, so either removing them completely or pruning them back becomes a very essential thing to do. How to Identify a Scrub Oak? The leaves of a gambel oak are reasonably long (up to 6inches) with up to 9 lobes on each that are hairy underneath. The scrub oak also has acorns attached which are about an inch long and sit in bowl-shaped cups. The acorns can be eaten by deer and various other animals such as rodents. Benefits Of Scrub Oak Pruning Pruning

Free estimate on scrub oak removal and fire mitigation in Colorado Springs. Call (719)400-9104. Scrub oak is one of the most widely spread trees in El Paso County. Here are some quick scrub oak tree facts: • Scrub Oak rarely reproduces from acorns. Instead, it grows from its deep, extensive root system. • Its scientific name is Quercus gambelii. • Gambel Oak trees/scrub oak trees are named after William Gambel, an American naturalist. • Scrub Oak is commonly found throughout western Colorado between 6,000 and 9,000 feet in elevation. • There is not a singular type of scrub wood. Instead, there are many types such as the Rocky Mountain scrub oak and the California scrub oak, both of which are