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Douglas County Fire Mitigation

Wildfires are a major concern in Colorado. Here at Colorado Mastication, we know that you want a beautiful home for your family; one where everyone is kept safe. As more people build closer to woodland, the risk of damage from wildfire increases. Over the past decade the number of homes burnt in wildfires each year has more than tripled. Wildfire experts expect the number of destroyed homes to continue to climb.
It’s time to look at your wildfire mitigation options. Mastication is just one of them, and we offer full wildfire mitigation services to make sure your family is protected. Our brush clearance services will help create a defensible space around your home. Our staff is fully trained to make the best decisions based on the area, the wildlife, and your needs. We will reduce available fuel near your home, evaluate terrain, create fire breaks. These measures can save your home if a wildfire threatens.

What Exactly Is Mastication?

Mastication is the process of stripping and removing trees, shrubs, scrub oak, dead down trees and branches from an area. One or more trees or scrub oak can be removed quickly, effortlessly and economically. We use special machinery to make sure the surrounding trees aren’t damaged, protecting wildlife as well as your family.

We go in with a full action plan that will help avoid the destruction of a full forest. Our staff will make sure everybody is happy and the environment is protected.

Our fire mitigation services include:

In addition to removing scrub oak with masticator, we also offer scrub oak pruning services. Check out our scrub oak services page for before and after images of the work done by our crew on pruning scrub oak.

Ongoing Efforts Are Needed

Mastication and fire mitigation are not just a one-time thing. Your home won’t be protected from future fires just because a few trees in the local area are removed. The forest is always changing. So, make a plan on how you can maintain a defensible space around your property. In addition to scrub oak and tree removal, that may include pruning, weeding, mowing, trimming dead branches and dead plants. This will also include evaluating your house and landscape directly next to it. Are they firewise and have ability to withstand a wildfire? This is ongoing process and will require diligent work from you, as a homeowner. But in the end, you will reduce both natural and manmade wildfire hazards so a wildfire has less fuel to burn.

Would you like to be one with nature? Do you want to enjoy the life next to a forest without constant fear of fire and destruction? If you are interested in learning more about our wildfire mitigation services, get in touch with us today.

We’re here to help in every way that we can.

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