Fire Mitigation Contractors Colorado Springs

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How Can We Protect Our Homes for Wildfires?

Wildfires in Colorado are extremely common. While you can’t stop the wildfires from happening in the majority of cases, there are steps to take to protect your home and family. Fire mitigation in fire-mitigation-contractors-colorado-springsColorado Springs is essential.

You’ll hear a lot about fire mitigation. At first, it can sound almost impossible. However, there are a number of steps that you can take to protect your home from wildfires. These tips aren’t guaranteed, but they help to minimize the risk.

Make a Defensible Space Around Your Home

One of the first things you’ll need to do with fire mitigation in Colorado Springs is to create a defensible space. This means you’re creating a zone around your home that has as little fire fuel as possible. If you can get rid of all, such as by paving the grass, then this is even better.

The exact amount of space you’ll need will depend on the placement of your home. In the majority of cases, you’ll want a 30ft ring around your home of defensible space. If you live in an area with a lot of trees, 50ft is the minimum. Those on a hillside will want to create 100ft of space.

To create the space, you’ll want to use more native vegetation in your area, keeping them all pruned and ensuring the branches are at least 6ft from the ground. Make sure the lawn is mowed regularly, especially during the dry summer months.

When you have dead or dying shrubs, remove them. If your trees are diseased, get rid of them. Healthy trees and shrubs aren’t as likely to catch fire.

You’ll also need to do regular maintenance around your home. While mowing, make sure you clean out the gutters, rake up the fallen leaves, and get rid of weeds around your area.

Use Non-Flammable Materials as Much as Possible

One of the biggest issues leading to fire damage is the amount of flammable materials people have. You just have to look at the Great Fire of London to see that the biggest issue came from the thatched roofs, which meant the fire could jump between houses easily.

Minimize the amount of flammable materials you use, especially when adding new decks, sheds, and other items around your home. You can get fire-resistant wood, but metal and concrete can be better.

If you’re willing to make changes to current structures, retrofit with non-flammable materials. Add a non-combustible screening to all your eave openings and vents. Cover your exterior walls with stone, brick, and other fire resistant materials. You’ll also want to replace your windows with double-paned or tempered glass to prevent breakages during wildfires.

For questions about our fire mitigation services in Colorado Springs including brush clearing and scrub oak removal and other fire mitigation strategies for homeowners, contact us today at (719)400-9104, or e-mail

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