(719) 400-9104

Give us a call for a free estimate on fire mitigation in Monument (719)400-9104. What Is Fire Mitigation? There’s no doubt that you’ve likely heard of the term “fire mitigation.” You may have even heard of it referred to as “wildfire mitigation.” What the people who use the terms don’t tell you is what the terms actually mean. What is it and why is fire mitigation so important? What Exactly Is Fire Mitigation? You’re doing as the term sounds: mitigating a fire. In the way the term is used, you’re taking steps to prevent the spread of wildfire. You’ll protect your home or another property from the risk of catching fire from the bush fires and forest fires that you

What occurred on the 5th of October 1871 was one of the deadliest fires the US has ever encountered. The Great Peshtigo Fire claimed around 1200 people’s lives and 1.5 acres of pine forest. The nearest town was Peshtigo (hence the name) and it was reported that only one building was left standing after the Peshtigo fire. How did the fire start? As years go, 1871 was an extremely dry one. A drought had completely dried up creeks, other bodies of water and the surrounding trees were also begging for water. These pine trees had shed their needles and these lay on the forest floor. These pine needles along with a lot of sawdust and slash (Peshtigo was a lumbering

Wildfires can be relentless, destructive forces of nature. We all have heard and seen for ourselves the devastation a wildfire can cause on the flora and fauna of the particular environment it burns in. But wildfires are part of the order of things in the natural world and can be seen as very beneficial to nature in some circumstances. 5 Advantages Of A Wildfire 1. Young Trees Can Thrive. When a forest becomes overcrowded it can be very hard for younger trees to mature. The bigger trees can stop sunlight getting to the young trees/seedlings and not allow them to grow. Wildfires can thin out the bigger trees and allow the younger ones to flourish. 2. Removal Of Diseased Trees