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Fire Mitigation Service in Colorado Springs, CO

With higher temperatures, lower humidity, and high winds, forests are in danger of wildfire. More people build homes in areas that were once just woodland. Many families worry about the risk of wildfire to their homes, our fire mitigation services around Colorado Springs can help mitigate that risk.

At Colorado Mastication we completely understand this worry and fear. That’s why we take steps to mitigate wildfire ever being an issue. We’ll take steps to ensure your home is protected, creating defensible space around your homes to keep everyone protected with our fire mitigation services.

Mastication for Defensible Space Creation

Defensible space is the area around a home that has been modified to reduce fire hazard. The aim is to create a space that acts as a barrier to protect your home. The fuels are cleared or reduced to slow the spread of wildfire.

Defensible space consists of several management zones. Each of the zones are differed by the wildfire mitigation methods applied. At Colorado Mastication, we will look at the whole forest and assess the wildfire risk. We will work with you to determine the best defensible space size to ensure your home is protected. The amount of defensible space needed depends on where you live, existing vegetation, and the layout of your land. With our mastication techniques, it’s possible to remove trees, clear scrub oak and brushes, remove down trees, and debris. The key to successful fire mitigation is to start from your home and work outward.

Defensible space consists of three zones:

Zone 1 extends 30 feet from your house and includes everything in it including structures (decks, sheds, garages), trees, and any vegetation. This area will require the most amount of work. It includes the use of fire-resistant landscaping materials, trimming or possible removing of trees or shrubs, removing anything that burns from next to the house (firewood, scrap wood).

Zone 2 (30 to 100 feet) consists of moderate fuel reduction.

The goal of Zone 3 (100 to 200 feet) is to maintain forest health and reduce fire hazards. This will include tree thinning and pruning. A healthy forest is better capable of fighting off insects’ attacks like Ips beetle and surviving severe droughts.

By creating defensible space around your property, you will:
• Reduce both natural and manmade wildfire hazards
• Reduce the speed and intensity of an approaching wildfire
• Give firefighters room to work safely
• Improve your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire.

Wildfire mitigation is an ongoing effort from everyone involved. We all need to work together to ensure the initial mastication is worth the fully effort. We will help homeowners use the right tools and techniques to reduce the risk of wildfires throughout the summer and set up an ongoing plan that helps to keep the defensible space clear and protected.

Fire mitigation services

If you need to know more or want to take the initial steps to prevent wildfire, get in touch with us today by email at office@coloradomastication.com or by phone (text or call) at (719)-400-9104. A member of staff will be happy to help.