(719) 400-9104

Land clearing in Douglas county. Contact us now for a free quote. Whether you’ve bought your first farm or you have land that you want to use for a commercial property, land clearing is an important first step. This prepares the territory, which can be a costly process whether you are building a dream home or clearing land for commercial property. Preparing Your Site for Land Clearing in Douglas County Before you even think about clearing the land, you’ll need to understand everything that needs to be done. The first step is surveying, so you know which tasks should be performed to work with the blue print for the finished project. After all, how can you start work without some

Free estimate on land clearing, Colorado. Give us a call, (719)400-9104. We’ll be happy to give you a free land clearing quote. You’ve heard the term land clearing used, a term that involves something around your home. Now you’re wondering what it means and what you’ll need to do. Why is it any good? Here’s everything you need to know about it and the process. What Is Land Clearing? This is the process of clearing any trees, brush, stumps, and any obstacles around your area to help create more land to farm on. It’s an agricultural process to create as much crop-producing land as possible. But it doesn’t just stop with the clearing process. It also needs to be ready

Brush clearing in Black Forest is essential. Without it, you put your home at risk of wildfires spreading. However, you need the right tools for your needs, and those tools will depend on how tough and dense the brush is. Not sure where to get started? Here are the best tools for tree and brush removal. Pole Saws and Weed Whips Start with a pole saw for the overhead clearing. You’ll have an extra long handle, reaching up to some of the highest trees and vegetation. This overhead work is also far safer, since you’re not climbing up anything. Look out for a pole saw with a telescopic pole. You’ll be able to see up high easier. A weed whip

For a free quote on scrub oak removal in Franktown, contact us today! Gambel Oak Fact sheet Gambel oak is a type of scrub oak, commonly found in Franktown. It’s a large and sprawling deciduous shrub, but can also sometimes look like a small tree. You’ll often find them on the foothills of west Colorado Springs, and they have twisted branches that are strong. It’s important to know as much as possible about them. When grown in the right places, they can help with fire mitigation and improve the nutrients of the wildlife. However, they can be invasive if in the wrong parts of town. After all, this is a great oak for drought lands, as it is tolerant of

If you are ready to fire mitigate your home in Black Forest, give us a call for a free estimate on scrub oak removal, brush clearing, and any other gambel oak mitigation questions. (719)400-9104. What Kills Scrub Oak Trees? While scrub oak trees can offer some benefits to an environment, unmanaged gambel oak can be fire hazard. You may find them growing in areas that isn’t beneficial, so you need to take care of the situation. That means removing the scrub oak trees. Getting rid of the systems can be difficult. Here’s how to remove the scrub oak tree from your home. Remove While Still Saplings To better understand scrub oak eradication, learn about gambel oak fact sheet. The best

To remove or prune scrub oak on your property, located in Larkspur or Douglas county, contact us now. Difference Between Live Oak and Scrub Oak Scrub oaks and live oaks have many similarities. However, they also have many differences that will affect their benefits they offer an environment. It’s important to know the differences to make sure you have the right type of oak in your home. Both will survive in harsh environments and they can be good for areas that have suffered devastating wildfires. However, the cultural requirements and growth habits can affect your choices. The Size and Life of the Different Oaks Live oaks are beautiful evergreen trees. They grow relatively slowly and tend to be shallow. You’ll

Give us a call for a free estimate on scrub oak removal. (719)400-9104. Serving El Paso county. We offer different types of fire mitigation services for El paso county, including: Scrub oak removal Brush clearing Lot clearing Fence line clearing Defensible space creation. What Is Scrub Oak Tree? There are many types of shrubby trees around North America. Scrub oak is one of those small, shrubby trees that you’ll often find growing in the dry soils across North America. There are different types of scrub oak native to different parts of the country. What exactly is a scrub oak tree and what effect does it have on your landscape? Here’s scrub oak tree description. Scrub Oak or Gambel Oak? You

Free estimates: call (719)400-9104 for a free estimate on fire mitigation at your home in Sedalia and surrounding areas. Wildfire Mitigation Checklist When you’re going through the process of fire mitigation in Sedalia, you want to make sure it’s complete to the end. This isn’t about being a perfectionist, but about making your space as safe as possible. Leaving one stone unturned in the list of things to do can lead to that fire spreading. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fire. Sadly, wildfires are becoming more and more common, and you need to make sure you can leave at a second’s notice to keep everyone safe. Here’s your fire mitigation checklist to help reduce

If you are located in Larkspur and would like to get a free estimate on fire mitigation, contact us now. What Is Firewise Community? The population of America is growing considerably. In fact, that’s the case for the entire world. With the growing population comes the growing risk of more wildfires. You know the danger of wildfires and the long-term damage they cause. Preventing them is essential, and this is where the Firewise Community comes into play. Firewise Communities help with the mitigation of wildfires. They help get families ready for the disaster and take steps to prevent wildfires spreading. Firewise communities of Douglas county include: Antler’s at Sageport Bell Mountain Ranch Woodlands and Escavera Greater Perry Pines The Timbers

Would like to find out how much will it cost to do fire mitigation in Colorado Springs? Call us today at (719)400-9104 for a free fire mitigation quote. How Can We Protect Our Homes for Wildfires? Wildfires in Colorado are extremely common. While you can’t stop the wildfires from happening in the majority of cases, there are steps to take to protect your home and family. Fire mitigation in Colorado Springs is essential. You’ll hear a lot about fire mitigation. At first, it can sound almost impossible. However, there are a number of steps that you can take to protect your home from wildfires. These tips aren’t guaranteed, but they help to minimize the risk. Make a Defensible Space Around