(719) 400-9104

For estimate on fire mitigating beetle killed trees, you can reach us at (719)400-9104.3 While wildfires are a risk, they become more of a risk due to pests and disease. Beetle killed trees are a growing concern around Colorado, with bark beetles being the most common pest problem. Bark beetles have been responsible for the death of multiple forest areas. This spread is exponential if not controlled because the beetles don’t care about the trees—they just want a home and food. Drought-stressed trees are most at risk as they don’t have as much pitch, the main defense against beetles. Knowing a Tree Is Affected by Beetles You want to protect a tree as soon as possible. If you’re seeing the

Ground, surface, and crown are the three basic types of wildland fires. You need to understand the behaviors of each of them. Only then can we understand their dangers, how they travel, and how they can be extinguished. Ground Wildfires Ground fires are mostly found in times of extreme drought. They burn with intense heat, which can mean they kill off even the largest of trees. It’s possible for them to spread fast as they take out all the fuel that surrounds them. Ground fires are important for the natural lifecycle of the environment, though. They sterilize the soil, which can be beneficial for certain types of plants. At the same time, they can be some of the most dangerous.

Contact us at (719)400-9104 to schedule and estimate on removing beetle-killed forests. The mountain pine beetle is in the media a lot. This insect has managed to kill a lot of forests. A total of 3.3 million acres of land in Colorado alone has been affected by mountain pine beetles, with spruce beetles killing another million acres. It was lodgepole pines affected first, but now the beetles have moved onto ponderosa pines. The Hardiness of the Beetles A mountain pine beetle is one of the hardiest of all insects. The larvae can withstand the extreme cold thanks to the glycol (the chemical compound that creates antifreeze!) within the outer layers. It would take bark temperatures of -30F to kill the

Fire has a direct effect on the soil in areas. There are a variety of effects that can happen to the soil depending on the temperatures of the soil. However, many of these actions are necessary and helpful in the future. It’s important to understand the abiotic responses of fires. How Fires Affect the Soil Soil is affected through both the heating and combustion processes of fires. The temperatures during the combustion processes will affect what actually happens to the soil. The following can happen: • Evaporation of water at lower temperature • Combustion of soil organic matter • Formation of pyrogenic organic material, such as charcoal The nutrients in the soil can also change whether through oxidation, erosion, volatilization,

If you would like to have defensible space done around your house in Sedalia, give us a call, (719)400-9104, or email at office@coloradomastication.com. Wildfires are a part of life for many communities. There is always the threat of fires starting and spreading. The best thing to do is make sure you’re ready, taking steps to prevent the fires from spreading to homes and causing exponential damage. To do this, you need to understand more about how houses catch fire. This gives you steps to take to avoid fires from happening. Those who have set up building codes in wildfire areas have understood the reasons for fires starting. This helps to reduce the risk of fire. Three Ways of Fires Starting

Give us a call for a free estimate on wildfire mitigation (719)400-9104. If you’re building a home in a zone that’s known for wildfires, you have a duty of care. It’s not just important to protect the home you’re building from wildfires, but you also want to make sure the entire area is a little safer.What can you do as a builder? Here’s your guide to make sure everyone is as safe as possible. Protecting Against Wildfires Wildfires can occur naturally or they start with human interaction. However, while they are dangerous, they are also essential for nature. That doesn’t mean they should spread to dangerous levels and you shouldn’t do what you can to mitigate as much damage to

Land clearing in Douglas county. Contact us now for a free quote. Whether you’ve bought your first farm or you have land that you want to use for a commercial property, land clearing is an important first step. This prepares the territory, which can be a costly process whether you are building a dream home or clearing land for commercial property. Preparing Your Site for Land Clearing in Douglas County Before you even think about clearing the land, you’ll need to understand everything that needs to be done. The first step is surveying, so you know which tasks should be performed to work with the blue print for the finished project. After all, how can you start work without some

Wildfires are devastating. They don’t just affect the homes of people, but the homes of the wildlife. These fires can destroy miles of beautiful forestry and put lives in danger. It’s important to understand why and how wildfires occur so you can do your part in preventing them. It takes three items to make a wildfire happen. The ignition source needs to come into contact with a combustible material, and to spread, it needs enough heat and oxygen. In cases of wildfire, the ignition source usually comes into contact with some vegetation and that spreads rapidly. The Heat Needed for a Fire Fires need the right temperature to burn and spread. At 450F, wood will release flammable gases, but it’s

Give us a call for a free estimate on fire mitigation in Monument (719)400-9104. What Is Fire Mitigation? There’s no doubt that you’ve likely heard of the term “fire mitigation.” You may have even heard of it referred to as “wildfire mitigation.” What the people who use the terms don’t tell you is what the terms actually mean. What is it and why is fire mitigation so important? What Exactly Is Fire Mitigation? You’re doing as the term sounds: mitigating a fire. In the way the term is used, you’re taking steps to prevent the spread of wildfire. You’ll protect your home or another property from the risk of catching fire from the bush fires and forest fires that you

Free estimate on scrub oak removal and fire mitigation in Colorado Springs. Call (719)400-9104. Scrub oak is one of the most widely spread trees in El Paso County. Here are some quick scrub oak tree facts: • Scrub Oak rarely reproduces from acorns. Instead, it grows from its deep, extensive root system. • Its scientific name is Quercus gambelii. • Gambel Oak trees/scrub oak trees are named after William Gambel, an American naturalist. • Scrub Oak is commonly found throughout western Colorado between 6,000 and 9,000 feet in elevation. • There is not a singular type of scrub wood. Instead, there are many types such as the Rocky Mountain scrub oak and the California scrub oak, both of which are