What Can You Do for the Home to Survive a Wildfire?

What is your fire prevention and mitigation plan? Call Colorado Mastication for fire mitigation plan at (719)400-9104.

Not all wildfires will lead to complete destruction. However, you’ve seen on the news just how quickly these fires can get out of control. If you’re in a fire-prone area, you’ll be worried about the risks to your home.fire-prevention-mitigation-plan
Research shows that there are ways to minimize the risks to your home in fire-prone areas. With the right materials, buffer zones, and maintenance, you can help increase the chances of your home surviving a wildfire. This isn’t a guarantee, but it is a chance to increase your chances of a home to go back to.

Understand How Fires Spread

The first thing you need to do is make sure you understand how fires spread. They’re not some random occurrence, although a chance in wind direction will affect things. They burn due to fuel, oxygen, and heat.
So, you need to make sure your homes are protected from the spread of fire. Your home is a fuel source, so it’s important to keep the flames away. You’re not just keeping it away from the direct flame contact, though. You also need to watch out for embers from fires in a distance and just from the radiant heat in the area.

Embers are the most common reasons for houses to catch fire from wildfires. It’s usually due to the vegetation outside your home. By knowing this, you can take steps to reduce the risk.

Reduce the Vegetation Outside of Your Home

You’ll usually find that there are buffer zones. The closer you get to the home, the more buffer you need. You want to get rid of as much fuel for fires as possible. This includes the plants that you want to grow outside. Embers will land on the plants, and this can lead to a new spark.

It’s not just about vegetation, though. You’ll also need to think about your roof, the decking, or your porch. It doesn’t mean you can’t have any of them, but you want to use materials that are considered fire-proof. When building homes, builders will use the best fire-proof materials for roofs and deckings. You’ll want to maintain them in the future.

Get Rid of the Leaf Litter

You may be surprised to hear that it’s not just about the vegetation you grow. It’s also about the dried up vegetation that has fallen on your property. Make sure you clean up all the leaf litter during fire season. Yes, it takes work, but it’s worth it for the safety of your family.

You’ll also want to clean up the lawn furniture. You can have it out while you’re outside, but put it away fully when you’re not using it. Have a shed that is made of fire-resistant material that isn’t connected to your home. If it does catch fire, you’ll find it is less likely to jump to your house than if it was connected.

Builders will help to make sure your home is constructed to prevent becoming fuel for a fire. You just need to do your part during fire season.

Call Colorado Mastication for fire mitigation plan at (719)400-9104. Brush clearing, dead tree removal, lot clearing, fence line clearing.

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