Roofs as Part of Defensible Space

You need to consider about roofs when you are thinking about defensible space for your property in Colorado Springs.

Your roof is one of the biggest problems when it comes to wildfires. It should be one of the top priorities when building and maintaining your home to protect it from the spread of wildfires.defensible-space-colorado-springs
Sure, you can’t get rid of every single threat out there. What you can do is take precautions to help limit the chances of your home becoming a victim as a wildfire spreads through your community. That comes from the right materials in the right places.

Why Roofs Are Problematic for Wildfires

Your roof is a very large space that is usually flat. It’s actually the most vulnerable part of the home, while being one of the most important parts.

This is the part that protects you from the sun, the rain, and all the other elements coming down on you. It will also protect you against the embers from the fires around you. Yes, your roof can protect you from embers, but it can also be a problem with the embers.

With the wrong materials, those embers are going to create a spark and a fire. So, you need to take steps to prevent that.

Preventing Your Roof Catching Fire

You’ll want to make sure the roof covering is from materials that are considered fireproof. There’s nothing that is 100% never going to catch fire. There are all sorts of things that can go wrong with Mother Nature, but you can get materials that are the least problematic.

Look out for materials with a Class A fire rating. These will include composition shingles, tile, asphalt, and steel. They’re made to withstand the embers dropping on them. You’ll also want to make sure your roof edge has a metal drip.

Maintaining the roof is essential. This is one of the biggest reasons for the roof catching fire. If a combustible material is around the roof, it’s going to catch fire from the embers. One of the biggest issues is the guttering. Leaves fall in and if you don’t clear them out, the leaves dry out and become perfect fuel for the fire.

Don’t forget to plug the gaps within the roof. It may not be leaking into the house, but it is creating a fire hazard. Get up and check on your roof yearly at least to make sure it’s suitable for the wildfire conditions.
With the right maintenance, you can keep your home safe. The roof is one of the most important areas to assess and maintain.

For estimate on defensible space in Colorado Springs, call Colorado Mastication at (719)400-9104. We specialize in brush clearing, fire mitigation, and lot clearing.

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