Managing Vents to Prevent Fire

There are a few elements of a home that are problematic for wildfires. The vents are among the top priorities. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a home or maintaining a current home; you need to pay attention to the vents.managing-vents-prevent-wildfires
The vents are essential for a living space. You’ll just need to make sure they’re made with the right material to make it harder for your home to catch fire from flying embers.

The Need for Vents in a Home

Your vents will help to circulate the air around your house. You’ll be able to keep the temperatures in the attic down. Heat rises, and it needs to go somewhere. If there are no vents, it’s going to get trapped in the attic.

We know that heat is one of the elements needed for a fire. If you want to reduce the risk of your home catching fire, you’ll need to keep the heat to a minimum.

Another reason vents are needed is for moisture. The vents will get the moisture out of the house, which will protect your home from all sorts of mold and mildew issues. Moisture causes materials to degrade over time, and this will lead to the materials becoming a fire risk.

Vents are a problem for the embers, though. Embers can get through the vents and onto combustible materials in the house.

Managing Vents to Prevent Fire

You can’t do much to change the need for your vents. They’re a necessary part of a healthy home. What you need to do is change the way you manage your vents.

If you have combustible materials near the vents, move them. This applies to materials inside and outside of the house. The embers will get through the vents if the wind is right, so you want to keep anything combustible away from a landing zone.

You’ll also want to place meshes made with non-combustible materials over the vents. They will still allow for air flow but will prevent the embers getting in. Opt for 1/8” mesh.

If you know that a wildfire is on the way, you can take some temporary steps. Get a temporary plywood vent cover. The material is safe for embers and it will block the ability for the embers to get in your home. You’ll also prevent the smoke from getting in. You could also opt for metal tape to seal up the vents from the inside of your home. This is only if you have time to do this. If the wildfire is close by, you need to get out of there.

Take the time to maintain your vents and the area around them. They are a fire hazard, but they’re also necessary for your home.

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