Fire Mitigation Sedalia

Free estimates: call (719)400-9104 for a free estimate on fire mitigation at your home in Sedalia and surrounding areas.

Wildfire Mitigation Checklist

When you’re going through the process of fire mitigation in Sedalia, you want to make sure it’s complete to the end. This isn’t about being a perfectionist, but about making your space as safe as fire-mitigation-sedaliapossible. Leaving one stone unturned in the list of things to do can lead to that fire spreading.

At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fire. Sadly, wildfires are becoming more and more common, and you need to make sure you can leave at a second’s notice to keep everyone safe.

Here’s your fire mitigation checklist to help reduce the risk and get you and your family ready.

Create Your Fire Mitigation Zones

Start by creating the defensible zones. There should be two zones created to help protect your home.

Zone 1: This is the area within 30ft of all structures on your property. Remove all conifers from this zone if you can. Should you choose to leave a tree, make sure there are no branches within 10ft of your chimney and branches don’t overhang the roofs of any structures.

Zone 2: This zone is 30-100ft from your structures. Thin out the conifers so there’s no more than 2-3 trees in clumps throughout the space. You should find 20-30ft between clumps of conifers.

The zones will need expanding if you’re on a hillside. Expand them out downhill for good fire mitigation in Sedalia.

Maintenance Tips to Remain On Top Of

You’ll need to make sure that once your defensible zone is created that you keep it like that. It’s the number one tip for fire mitigation in Sedalia. This does mean regular work, but it’s worth it for the safety of all.

• Make sure you keep that 3-5ft zone of non-combustable material around your home and all structures on your land. This means no vegetation anywhere in this zone.
• Ensure all firewood and scrap lumber is store no closer than 30ft to your home/structures
• Keep grass cut to 6in or less within your defensible zone
• Clear out all rooflines and gutters at all times
• Clear out all decks of pine needles and debris
• Check on the metal screens around all vents
• Keep all lower limbs on trees at least 6ft off the ground

Preparing for Wildfires

You can’t prevent all wildfires and your mitigation steps aren’t guaranteed. You’ll want to make sure you’re ready if there is a wildfire in your area. The first step is to call 911, but then you can use the following tips:

• Make sure you have grab and go kits
• Ensure the family knows the fire drills and practices regularly
• Use reflective lettering and non-flammable materials for a property address marker at the end of your driveway
• Ensure your home insurance is covered for wildfire damage

The best thing you can do is to take steps for fire mitigation around your house in Sedalia. Be prepared and take steps to protect your home. To receive information on our fire mitigation services, please call (719)400-9104. We also offer scrub oak removal, brush clearing, lot clearing services.

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