Fire Mitgation for Dead Trees During Drought

For questions about fire mitigation measures, call (719)400-9104.

There are some states known for drought conditions in the summer months. Colorado is one of them, and the conditions are a growing concern. Due to drought, the forests have become stressed and
Drought conditions have had a major impact on water supplies. It’s leading to agricultural problems, and the forests are dying. Drought will kill trees due to the need for water for survival, but there are other problems because of drought that can’t be overlooked.

Drought Conditions Lead to More Wildfires

There’s no doubt that the number of wildfires during the year has increased around the world. Colorado is seeing an increase, and the drought conditions are not helping that. A lack of rain, and even a lack of snow in the winter, lead to the leaves and trees drying out. This creates the perfect fuel for fire to spread.

We also have to remember the wind is high during some summer weeks. Warm and windy days make fires spread faster. The wind helps to pick up the embers to other trees that are also suffering from the drought conditions.

The Colorado State Forest Service and its partners are looking into ways to protect the forests from drought. There is a correlation in recent years, however, fires are attributed to 6.7% of the destruction in the Colorado forests.

An Increased Problem of Pests in the Area

It’s pests that are considered one of the biggest reasons for the loss of Colorado forests. They make up just more than 26% of the problem, with another 26% attributed to disease. Dry conditions are leading to an increase in pests in the area.

As trees become stressed, they struggle to defend themselves against insect attacks. Bark beetles can build populations and reach epidemic levels. They then spread to neighboring trees, causing devastation to them too. The mountain pine beetle was the reason for around 80% of pine forest loss between the late 1900s and 2013, while the spruce beetle has affected 40% of the Engelmann spruce forests.

The insects kill the trees. They also damage other trees to the point where disease is more likely. All this leads to fuel for wildfires. It’s important to manage the damage beetles and other pests have caused to the trees to keep Colorado’s forests safe. To be able to do that, the trees need to be healthy to build their defenses against the incoming pests. Fire mitigation measures include removing dead trees, diseased trees, removing fuel ladders, tree thinning. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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