How to Make Your Property More Accessible to Firefighters

Fire mitigation, Golden. Contact us now at (719)400-9104.

One of the best things you can do to prevent wildfires is to help your local fire department. This doesn’t mean helping them in the action but making it easier for them to do their jobs when the fire has started. It’s important tofire-mitigation-golden make your property more accessible to the teams out there on the ground.

Make Your Home Easy to Find

It’s not usually your local volunteer firefighters working on areas around your home. It’s going to be a crew unfamiliar with the area, which means your street and address signs need to be easy to read. The smoke will become dense, so create signs that are easily visible in this.

You will start to lose power when the fires get so bad. It’s important to have reflective numbers for your house.

Create Turnouts in the Driveway

You can make it much easier for firefighters to get their big trucks in and out of your driveway. If you don’t, the firefighters won’t pull up as close as necessary to your home. Your house ends up being left for the fire, and you don’t want that.

You’ll want to make sure there are large turnouts to make it possible for firefighters to get in and turn their vehicles around. If you have cattle guards, bridges, or other similar structures, make sure they’re structured for the weight of fire trucks. A fire truck is around 28 ton to give you an idea.

Of course, the firefighters aren’t going to know if your land will hold the weight. Put signs up with a maximum weight so they feel comfortable driving onto your property.

Do mark any septic tanks and leach fields. This helps firefighters avoid them while driving around.

Managing Your Locked Gates

It’s normal to want a locked gate. If you have problems with trespassers or you have cattle, you’ll want to make sure everyone and everything on your property is safe. The problem is they cause delays for firefighters.

This doesn’t mean you hae to get rid of them. Instead, you’ll want to make sure your local firefighters know how to open the gates. Electronic gates are great, but make sure they have a battery backup for when the power goes out. And you’ll want a manual way to open the gates too in case the batteries fail.

Once you have things set up for the firefighters, you’ll create a safer space for them to drive to. Not only do you make sure your own home is protected, but you also aid in the prevention of wildfires.

Fire mitigation is essential for your home in Golden. Contact us now for estimate on creating defensible space, lot clearing, fence line clearing, tree removal and thinning.

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