Defensible Space in Fremont County. Fire Mitigation

Fire mitigation in Fremont County, (719)400-9104. Contact us for a free estimate on brush clearing, tree removal and defensible space creation.

You’ve likely heard of the term “defensible space” when it comes to homes in areas prone to wildfires. fire-mitigation-fremont-county

Wildfires date back thousands of years, even before humans caused problems for the habitats around the world. Fire helps to neutralize the land, allowing regrowth and support. However, they can sometimes get out of control and the resources to fight fires are getting thinner.

What Is a Defensible Space?

A defensible space is a safety zone. It’s designed to protect your home from the threat of the wildfires spreading. Fire doesn’t care about your property, only burning through the fuel that it can find.

The idea is that you have an area that is clear of debris. Your home is far more secure against wildfires. Not only will you protect your property and your family, but you protect the lives of those working to fight against the wildfires. Slowing down the spread reduces the risk to the lives of the firefighters.

Creating Your Defensible Space in Fremont County

When creating a defensible space, you need to start from your home and work outwards. If you haven’t protected the area connected to your property, thinning the trees at the start of the property line does nothing to help protect your home.

The best thing you can do is clear out your gutters. Get rid of the trash under your deck. Make sure the deck is made of materials that are less likely to fuel fires.

Pay attention to the small details. Just a little bit of debris left behind will lead to a fire spreading. Fires take advantage of anything that allows them to spread. You need to look for even the smallest item that you wouldn’t consider otherwise.

Work on Your Property and with Your Neighbors

As you work on creating the defensible space, you may get a little too carried away. The further out you get, the closer you will be to your neighbors’ properties.

Make sure you work with your neighbors to make the area as safe as possible. Of course, you can’t force them to do something, but that doesn’t mean you can’t encourage it. Your neighbors may be new to the area and not realize the dangers of wildfires.

There are going to be some tough decisions to make. However, it’s worth it when you have a home that is safer. It’s worth it knowing you’ve done your bit to protect your family and the lives of firefighters protecting everyone from wildfires.

Need fire mitigation on your property in Fremont county. Call us at (719)400-9104 for a free estimate on defensible space creation, brush clearing, lot clearing, scrub oak removal, fence line clearing.

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