Windows and Wildfires

There is a lot that goes into creating defensible space around your home in Canon City. Managing certain elements of your home is essential, and the windows is a No. 3 priority.defensible-space-canon-city

Windows are a necessary part of the home. They help to improve ventilation, while also allowing light into the property. You can’t board them up completely, but you can take steps to help minimize their ability to spread a fire around your home.

How Windows Are a Problem in Wildfires

Windows will break when there’s a fire. The glass is the most vulnerable element of the window, and really of the home when you consider how easy it is for it to break. Even tempered glass can break.

Once the window breaks, you bring in a lot more oxygen for the fire to burn. This can cause the fire to spread much quicker than it would have done without the breakage.

Of course, larger windows are more vulnerable than smaller ones. They’re easier to break with the high temperatures, and they create the bigger hole for the oxygen to get through.

There’s also the problem of vegetation around the windows. You’ll also want to think about any materials you have around it, either inside or outside.

Managing Your Windows to Reduce the Risk of Wildfire Problems

If you have any sort of vegetation around your windows, remove it. It doesn’t matter if it’s just one bush or some beautiful plants that you’ve added to make your home look pretty. You want to reduce the fuel available for the fire to burn, and vegetation is the biggest issue.

You’ll also want to look at the type of glass you have. Upgrade to multi-pane tempered glass. This isn’t just good for wildfire prevention, but also great for managing the temperatures in the home in both the summer and winter.

When there is a risk of fire, close the windows. If you smell any smoke at all, close the windows and remain vigilant. If the windows are open, you’re going to lead to wind issues that pull the fire towards your home. You’ll also find that the smoke causes problems for your breathing.

You can install shutters outside your home. Look into non-combustible shutters, such as metal ones, or opt for some temporary plywood covers. The materials are great to layer over the outside of the glass, preventing the chances of It breaking. If you place it on the inside, the glass will still break, but you have an extra layer of protection inside the home. Outside is much better, though. The shutters are especially important if you have a neighbor less than 30 ft from your own home.

The best thing you can do is minimize the risk of glass breaking. This will help you reduce the risk of wildfires spreading around your home.

Contact Colorado Mastication to create defensible space in Canon city. Fire mitigation, land clearing, brush removal.

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