Sidings and Defensible Space for Your Home in Franktown

Evaluate your siding as part of defensible space at your property in Franktown.

A siding is a great way to make your home standout. You can paint it bright colors if you want. It’s also a great way to add more insulation to your exterior walls to lock in the heat in the winter.defensible-space-franktown

However, it causes a risk in the summer months. When it comes to the wildfires, there is a chance that it will create the perfect opportunity for embers to spark. This is a No. 5 priority, though. There are much bigger issues to focus on first, such as your roof, your vents, and the vegetation around the home.

How Sidings Can Cause Problems with Wildfires

If exposed to heat for too long, the siding becomes vulnerable. Remember that heat is one of the necessary components of a fire spreading. If you create a space where there can be high heat, you’re creating a space that becomes perfect for fires to spark.

The gaps and joints within the siding are the biggest issues. They create a space for embers to get in or for flames to penetrate the house.

The good news is that a well maintained siding isn’t all that problematic. You can also take steps to prevent problems instead of having to remove the whole siding.

Managing Sidings and Wildfire Problems

If the sidings are well-maintained, there’s a smaller risk of fire. However, if you have sidings that are broken or aren’t cared for, you will find that they are much easier to catch fire. You’ll want to use non-combustible materials as much as possible, replacing current sidings if necessary.

Even if you think you have non-combustible materials, you still need to maintain the siding. Too many homeowners have ended up complacent, leading to external materials igniting from embers falling on them. This leads to the fire spreading inside the home.

Make sure there is a 5ft zone horizontally and a 6in zone vertically between the ground and siding. This helps to minimize the risk of any lower flames catching onto the sidings. And you’ll want to ensure all gaps are plugged or caulked to prevent embers getting in behind.

Avoid gel coatings on your sidings. Not only are they a pain to install anyway, but they don’t provide protection for that long. They offer protection for a few hours, but the fires are going to go on for longer than that, especially in the worst-case scenario.

You don’t need to get rid of the siding, even if you have close neighbors. It’s all about maintaining your siding and make sure there are no ways for embers to get behind the material. The right siding is great for your home in the summer and the winter.

To get estimate on creating defensible space in Franktown, call (719)400-9104. We also offer brush clearing, scrub oak removal, fence line clearing and lot clearing.

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