Wildfire Suppression

When wildfires start, many people will need to take steps to suppress it, avoiding it from causing damage to wildlife and property. There are different methods of wildfire suppression that can take place. wildfire-suppression
The exact type is going to depend on the area you live in.

What Is Wildfire Suppression?

The process of wildfire suppression allows people to gain control of the fire. There is no longer the aim of completely extinguishing it. However, if caught early, it is possible to extinguish them before they get out of control.
Containment is the aim. In fact, 99% of new wildfires will be contained throughout the year. Of course, these aren’t the ones that people hear about on the news. The ones that escape control are usually due to extreme weather conditions and require a change in the weather to get them back under control.

Even with fire breaks, fires can quickly get out of control. Weather changes direction and the fire can jump over the breaks. Suppressing the fire is extremely dangerous, but so is letting it get out of control.

Methods of Wildfire Suppression

The method in which people will fight against the fires will depend on the location and the technology available.

Less developed nations and even lesser developed areas in a developed nation will have limited access to the best tools for the job. This means sand is often thrown on the fire or it is beaten with sticks and palm fronds. It is a rudimentary method of suppression that puts lives at risk.

In more developed nations and areas, more technology is available. Some areas will use silver iodide to encourage snow fall, helping to suppress the fire naturally. Helicopters can be used to drop water from above. There are other fire retardant options that can be used from aerial vehicles to tackle the fire from all angles, even if people can’t get to it physically from the ground.

Take Steps to Prevent

While wildfire suppression is necessary, so is prevention. It’s because of the dangers and some of the rudimentary methods that there is so much focus on preventing wildfires in the first place.
Of course, wildfires are a part of nature. They can start naturally and do have their place. They are becoming more prevalent for a number of reasons, including the building of houses within forestry areas.
