The Benefits Of Wildfires

Wildfires can be relentless, destructive forces of nature. We all have heard and seen for ourselves the devastation a wildfire can cause on the flora and fauna of the particular environment it burns wildfire-benefitsin. But wildfires are part of the order of things in the natural world and can be seen as very beneficial to nature in some circumstances.

5 Advantages Of A Wildfire

1. Young Trees Can Thrive.
When a forest becomes overcrowded it can be very hard for younger trees to mature. The bigger trees can stop sunlight getting to the young trees/seedlings and not allow them to grow. Wildfires can thin out the bigger trees and allow the younger ones to flourish.

2. Removal Of Diseased Trees And Plants
Diseased trees and plants need to be removed in most cases, but it is humanly impossible to go around and find them to cut them all down. So, a wildfire can get rid of these diseased trees and plants leaving the stronger, healthy trees to survive. Which in turn helps the ecosystem of the area flourish.

3. Kills Harmful Insects
A fire can stop insects that like to feast and harm the trees/plants in the area. These insects can be extremely detrimental to the trees, so having a fire every now and again to control the insect population is a good thing.

4. Adding Nutrients To The Soil And Allowing Trees To Reseed
Wildfires add ash to the soil which can really help nourish the soil and create a great environment for other trees to grow in. Also, some evergreens need very high temperatures to release their seeds. The fire produces this heat, which can melt the wax-like exterior of the pine cones to allow the seeds to be released.

5. Some Animals Thrive During And After A Forest Fire
Of course, many animals will flee a wildfire, but there are some circumstances where animals’ lives are made easier by a wildfire taking place. A white stork, for instance, likes to feed on the insects trying to escape from the wildfire. Certain types of beetle (Fire beetle, jewel beetle etc) seek out smoldering trees to lay their eggs in. Also, because of the rich soil and the new trees/plants growing again, it provides a perfect environment for animals to come in and prosper again.

So there you have it, the importance of wildfires were never really thought of until people realized how essential they are for the ecosystem. Firefighters sometimes let certain forest fires burn if they know that they are not a big danger to local communities, because of the beneficial things forest fires can bring to the environment around it.
