(719) 400-9104

What is your fire prevention and mitigation plan? Call Colorado Mastication for fire mitigation plan at (719)400-9104. Not all wildfires will lead to complete destruction. However, you’ve seen on the news just how quickly these fires can get out of control. If you’re in a fire-prone area, you’ll be worried about the risks to your home. Research shows that there are ways to minimize the risks to your home in fire-prone areas. With the right materials, buffer zones, and maintenance, you can help increase the chances of your home surviving a wildfire. This isn’t a guarantee, but it is a chance to increase your chances of a home to go back to. Understand How Fires Spread The first thing you

There are a few elements of a home that are problematic for wildfires. The vents are among the top priorities. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a home or maintaining a current home; you need to pay attention to the vents. The vents are essential for a living space. You’ll just need to make sure they’re made with the right material to make it harder for your home to catch fire from flying embers. The Need for Vents in a Home Your vents will help to circulate the air around your house. You’ll be able to keep the temperatures in the attic down. Heat rises, and it needs to go somewhere. If there are no vents, it’s going to get

Understanding how wildfires get started is key to reducing the risk of them. Forest fires can start from natural causes, and there is little you can do about them. However, there are also human causes, and these are the ones that we can all do a part in preventing. Lightning Striking the Tree One of the most natural reasons for fires to start is lightning striking a tree. This is usually a dead or diseased tree since there won’t be any moisture in them. However, the lightning can also strike healthy trees and cause problems. This is usually when lightning strikes without any rain or when the water has already absorbed due to the heat. Lightning strikes can’t be stopped.

Fire mitigation is important for some parts of the United States. While it’s not designed to stop all fires, it helps to manage the intensity to reduce the risk to homes. However, fire mitigation comes with a cost. How much will homeowners need to spend for fire mitigation? What is the cost to the government? Here’s everything you need to know about the cost of fire mitigation. Costs of Fire Mitigation Depend on Lot Size The exact cost of fire mitigation will depend on the size of the property, topography, equipment used. It will also depend on the area, whether there is such a high risk of wildfires or not. This is to arrange for someone to come out to

If you would like to do fire mitigation work on your property, give us a call at (719)400-9104. While wildfires are a necessary part of the ecosystems, there are also some major dangers to them. The United States experienced more than 50,000 wildfires in 2017. There was some excessive damage to parts of Montana, Washington state, Utah, and Oregon. California is a state you’ll routinely hear about struggling with wildfires. Fires that get out of control lead to loss of life and damage to properties. They put firefighters in grave danger. All it takes is a slight change in the wind direction and the fires comes at those trying to put out the fire. It’s important to mitigate these devastating

To help curb out-of-control wildfires, there have been some communities adapted purposely to manage them. They’re designed in a way that puts the management and control of wildfires first. According to the United States Forest Service, these communities have an increased awareness of wildfires. They’re engaged and take actions to protect the area. The community will think carefully about infrastructure and building materials, as well as the surrounding ecosystem. It’s Not About Stopping Fire The aim of the fire-adapted communities isn’t to completely prevent fires from happening. Some wildfires are necessary. The communities are adapted in a way that makes fire part of their surrounding landscape. These fires are managed. They’re controlled to avoid damaging lives and property. Citizens are

Call today for a free estimate on fire mitigation in Franktown (719)400-9104. When building a home, you need to consider the dangers around. Those in wildfire zones will need to consider the location of the construction site carefully. Not only do you want a great view, but you need to keep the home as safe as possible from the spread of wildfire. There are a number of factors that affect the spread of fire. The terrain of the land is one of those, along with saddles, ridges, and even canyons. The direction a slope faces can also lead to the spread or prevention of wildfire. Here are the top considerations to make when selecting a construction site in a wildfire

Fire mitigation is part of fire-resistant construction techniques. Contact us for a free estimate. Some parts of the country are more likely to see wildfires than others. You’ll hear of them in California, Colorado, and other parts of the States where droughts and high temperature more than in places that have a lot of cooler and wetter weather. However, the local fuels and topography will also come into play. These are all factors to consider when constructing homes. You want to make homes as fire resistant as possible to reduce the risk of wildfires spreading and homeowners being in danger. Here are techniques you can follow to help. Carry Out All Hazard and Risk Assessments Necessary Before you even start

Give us a call for a free estimate on wildfire mitigation (719)400-9104. If you’re building a home in a zone that’s known for wildfires, you have a duty of care. It’s not just important to protect the home you’re building from wildfires, but you also want to make sure the entire area is a little safer.What can you do as a builder? Here’s your guide to make sure everyone is as safe as possible. Protecting Against Wildfires Wildfires can occur naturally or they start with human interaction. However, while they are dangerous, they are also essential for nature. That doesn’t mean they should spread to dangerous levels and you shouldn’t do what you can to mitigate as much damage to

Free estimates: call (719)400-9104 for a free estimate on fire mitigation at your home in Sedalia and surrounding areas. Wildfire Mitigation Checklist When you’re going through the process of fire mitigation in Sedalia, you want to make sure it’s complete to the end. This isn’t about being a perfectionist, but about making your space as safe as possible. Leaving one stone unturned in the list of things to do can lead to that fire spreading. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fire. Sadly, wildfires are becoming more and more common, and you need to make sure you can leave at a second’s notice to keep everyone safe. Here’s your fire mitigation checklist to help reduce