Scrub Oak Removal, El Paso Co

Give us a call for a free estimate on scrub oak removal. (719)400-9104. Serving El Paso county.

We offer different types of fire mitigation services for El paso county, including:scrub-oak-removal-el-paso-co

What Is Scrub Oak Tree?

There are many types of shrubby trees around North America. Scrub oak is one of those small, shrubby trees that you’ll often find growing in the dry soils across North America. There are different types of scrub oak native to different parts of the country.

What exactly is a scrub oak tree and what effect does it have on your landscape? Here’s scrub oak tree description.

Scrub Oak or Gambel Oak?

You may have heard of this type of tree referred to as gambel oak. They’re the same thing and can often be used interchangeably. There are different types of scrub oaks around the world, with gambel oak one of the most common around eastern United States and the Colorado area.

Gambel oak is more of an ornamental shrug, standing around 20ft tall. The leaves are rounded with deeply cut lobes.

Re-sprouting After Wildfire

Scrub oak trees thrive in drought conditions. One of the greatest benefits is that they re-sprout quickly after a wildfire. They help to add more nutrients back into the soil and the area after the devastating fire.

They are certainly worth growing in your local area. With them being native, they also tend to be fire-resistant. You want to look after them to ensure this.

Bringing Wildlife to the Area

Scrub oaks can be excellent for bringing wildlife to the area, especially squirrels. The trees will drop a lot of acorns, which squirrels will collect and harvest for the winter months. In some cases, these acorns are forgotten about and more scrub oaks end up popping up in various places.

This leads to a cycle of bringing more wildlife to the area. Other plants and trees can be spread with the creatures, which helps to create a healthier environment, especially after wildfires. It’s possible to repopulate an area and reduce the risk of wildfires happening again with healthy vegetation in the area.

Are you dealing with scrub oaks in your local area? If you choose to remove scrub oak on your property in El paso county for fire mitigation, contact us now. We provide brush clearing services with masticator which is economical, fast and effective. We also offer scrub oak tree pruning and scrub oak mitigation services.

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