Scrub Oak Pruning For Fire Prevention

scrub oak pruning

Call today for scrub oak pruning estimate and soon you will have well pruned scrub oak to enjoy. (719)400-9104.

Generally speaking, in order to properly maintain scrub oaks, you can prune out dead, diseased, damaged, or nuisance branches and make them into nice stands in order to reduce fire hazard. This way, your home would still be safe and sound and the tree(s) in the surrounding area can continue to grow naturally.

So unless your house happens to be located on a steep hill and you need to get rid of a scrub oak (or two), you do not have to completely cut down all the scrub oak. You can choose to properly prune scrub oak and have beautifully landscaped scrub oak stands.

How Do I Properly Prune a Scrub Oak?

To do that, first, you would need to remove all of the dead and storm-damaged branches.

Next, you would need to groom the oak by cutting off any crossed branches and limbing up the lower branches to an even level depending on how tall the trees are. This way, you can make some nice stands out of them.

Finally, you would need to remove all of the scrub oak stubs and bugs and brush cut the grass. Otherwise, the tree would not be properly taken care of.

How Often Would I Need To Prune My Scrub Oak?

Since scrub oak regrows very quickly and it has an extensive root system that shoots out new plants, it is expected that you need to prune your scrub oak trees every year or every other year to maintain the initial fire mitigation work that was done.

What if I Don’t Have Time to Either Prune or Remove My Scrub Trees?

In that case, feel free to either give us a call at (719) 400-9104 or contact your local scrub oak management services. We’ll make sure that your scrub oak removal days are over. We will use our very own special mastication machinery or trim scrub oak with loppers and chainsaw. By pruning and removing scrub oak you create a defensible space around your home.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions about scrub oak maintenance. Feel free to email us at if you want us to help prune your scrub oak.

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