Wildfire Mitigation Checklist for Your Home in Woodland Park

Fire mitigation company, Woodland Park Colorado. Call for free estimate on brush clearing, scrub oak removal, dead tree removal, lot clearing and tree thinning (719)400-9104.fire-mitigation-woodland-park

When you’re in a wildfire area, you need to do as much as possible to mitigate the damage. Every resident has a part to play to protect their own lives and to protect the community. Here’s a checklist to follow for forest fire mitigation measures.

Ongoing Maintenance for Your Woodland Park Property

Before every fire season, you need to take some steps to maintain your property. Some of the steps will also be taken every three months or so just to protect your home (and to make maintenance easier).

• Have a 3ft to 5ft area around all structures that is vegetation free or has non-combustible vegetation
• Store the firewood piles and scrap lumber at least 30ft from structures
• Keep wildland grass to no more than 6in within 30ft of all structures
• Clear all gutters and roofs of debris
• Ensure all decks (top and underside) are cleared of debris
• Use metal screening around all vents around the home

Tree Thinning and Spacing Steps

You should have three zones around the property. The third zone is around 100ft from the home and will need the least maintenance. The important zones are one and two.

• Zone 1 is within 30ft of structures and should have all conifers removed. If you really want to keep some, make it just one or two and ensure the branches are not overhanging the roof or within 10ft of a chimney.
• Zone 2 is 30-100ft away from the home and should have islands of trees and shrubs. You only need small clumps of two or three trees about 20-30ft away from each other.
• Keep all low limbs at least 6ft from the ground in both zones.
• Get rid of fuels from around the trees in both zones. The two zones need to be placed further away from the downhill of a home on a slope.

Preparing for Wildfires

Now all wildfires can be prevented. In fact, fires are good for the ecosystems. That means you need to be prepared for wildfires to occur.

• Make sure your primary phone is set up for 9-1-1 calls
• Get a “grab and go” supply kit together with all your essential paperwork and emergency supplies
• Develop a fire evacuation plan that all family members know
• Use white reflective lettering on a non-flammable post at the edge of your driveway for easy locating
• Check you have coverage through your home insurance and pay extra for some if you need it
• Join your local newsletter for forestry and fire mitigation tips.

With the above fire mitigation tips, you’ll have some peace of mind. While it doesn’t stop all fires, you’ll be ready.

To schedule an estimate for fire mitigation for your property in Woodland park, contact us now.

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