Selecting A Construction Site for Your Franktown Home and Fire Mitigation

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When building a home, you need to consider the dangers around. Those in wildfire zones will need to consider the location of the construction site carefully. Not only do you want a great view, but fire-mitigation-franktownyou need to keep the home as safe as possible from the spread of wildfire.

There are a number of factors that affect the spread of fire. The terrain of the land is one of those, along with saddles, ridges, and even canyons. The direction a slope faces can also lead to the spread or prevention of wildfire. Here are the top considerations to make when selecting a construction site in a wildfire zone.

Thinking about the Topography of the Land

The way the land sites and where it’s located it going to be one of the biggest factors for managing the construction site. If you have a sloped terrain, you don’t need to worry as much about topography, as the fire will tend to be wind-driven and follow the direction that the wind is blowing. However, with a lack of wind, you’ll find the fires spread upwards.

A saddle, where two peaks connect across a ridge, is one of the worst places for wildfire spreading. It’s best to avoid this area for building. The same applies to ridgetops or hilltops. It gets windy up here, which leads to a faster spread of fire. There’s usually exposure all around the house to fire. If you’re going to build on a ridge top, make sure the house sits 50ft away from the slope to help minimize the damage.

Canyons are also hazardous places. They create a chimney, spreading the fire quickly because of a buildup of heat.

Look Out for Vegetation

The next thing to consider when choosing the site is the vegetation. This is the fuel to spread the fire, but there are some fire-resistant options out there. You want to make sure there’s a defensible space around the home to minimize the risk.

Think the side with less but drying vegetation is the way to build? These south- and west-facing slopes are more dangerous because the dry vegetation makes for the perfect fuel for the fire. If you must build where there’s vegetation, opt for north- or east-facing for the moisture.

You don’t need to completely right off an area with vegetation. Opt for creating a defensible space and keep that area maintained. You’ll still have a risk, but it’s not going to be as big. In fact, you should create a defensible space in areas prone to wildfire anyway to help prevent the spread of the fire and make it safer for firefighters.

By following the tips above, you’ll find an area that is perfect for your home in Franktown. For more information about our fire mitigation services, or schedule an appointment for a free estimate, please call (719)400-9104, or e-mail We offer fire mitigation and brush removal services throughout the Denver metro area and the suburbs.

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