Fire-Adapted Communities

To help curb out-of-control wildfires, there have been some communities adapted purposely to manage them. They’re designed in a way that puts the management and control of wildfires first.
According to the United States Forest Service, these communities have an increased awareness of wildfires. They’re engaged and take actions to protect the area. The community will think carefully about infrastructure andfire-adapted-communities building materials, as well as the surrounding ecosystem.

It’s Not About Stopping Fire

The aim of the fire-adapted communities isn’t to completely prevent fires from happening. Some wildfires are necessary. The communities are adapted in a way that makes fire part of their surrounding landscape.
These fires are managed. They’re controlled to avoid damaging lives and property. Citizens are prepared by the community to co-exist with the wildfires.

What the Public Understands

When living in these fire-adapted communities, it’s important that the people living there have an increased understanding of the ecosystem around them. They learn what the fires do when they start, especially those that start on their own.

They also understand that their homes may not be saved in the future. Fire authorities can’t get to every building, so they live there with that risk.

However, at the same time, the residents understand how to mitigate fires getting out of control.

A Community of Action-Takers

The people living in these areas will take action when necessary. They’ll support the local firefighters and the fire management companies. They also take action to mitigate the fires getting out of control.
When building homes and other property, they’ll make sure all materials are fire resistant and the structures offer a low risk to the landscape.

If there are hazardous fuels in the area, they will work with the people, whether part of the community or private landowners, to make sure the fuels are managed. The idea is that while fires will still happen, there’s a lower risk of dangerous fires.

At the same time, there are evacuation plans. These communities know that there’s no guarantee a fire won’t get out of control. Instead of panicking if a fire does get out of control, they will have a plan in order to make sure they can preserve as many lives as possible.

Fire-adapted communities are an essential part of living around wildfire areas. They don’t stop all fires, but help to prevent the exponential growth of them.

If you are interested in getting a quote on creating a defensible space around your home, give us a call at (719)400-9104. We specialize in scrub oak removal, fire mitigation, and land clearing.

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