Decks and Wildfires and Defensible Space in Black Forest Home

When working on your defensible space around your home in Black Forest, consider deck a part of defensible space.

To help prevent the spread of wildfire and damage to your home, you need to understand how various elements will affect your safety. Your deck is a No. 2 priority. This doesn’t mean low; it means that it just comes slightlydefensible-space-black-forest after the roof, the vents, and the vegetation around your home.

The decks are still problematic when it comes to fires. We’ll look at how they contribute to the spread, and what you can do to manage the problem.

How Decks Cause Problems in Wildfires

Embers will spread from the fires to other parts of the land. The wind will help embers travel for miles, and they can land on the deck of your house. If you have vegetation on there or you have material that isn’t fireproof, you have a major problem. That one ember can spark a fire.

Many people don’t think of the vegetation that drops on the decks. This can be fallen leaves or needles. You can end up with the leaves falling out of the gutters onto your decks, or there may be twigs from the nests that the birds have built.

Then there’s the problem of the items you leave on your decks, like door mats, furniture, umbrellas, or even brooms. These are all materials that can ignite and cause problems for your entire home.

How to Manage the Decks to Prevent Wildfires Spreading

While you can’t prevent all wildfires from happening, you can do your part to reduce the risk of the fires spreading. The best thing to do is to make sure your deck is clear of all vegetation. Sure, your plants look pretty, but they are a fire risk for your home. You’ll want to clean up the dead leaves and fallen needles because they are going to create a threat.

It’s also important to move the furniture from the deck. Store as much as possible away from the home, especially when it comes to BBQs, deck furniture, and propane tanks. You want to remove all combustible materials into a shed or garage that isn’t attached to your property.

Then you’ll want to consider redoing your deck if it is made of combustible materials. If you really want wood that could catch fire, opt for 1/4in gaps between the deck boards and 24in spacing between the joints. You want to reduce the ability for the fire to spread quickly, but the best thing you can do is build with materials that are safer and considered fire retardant.

You can enjoy your deck. It will take effort to put items away, especially in the summer months. However, you’ll know when your fire risk levels are high because your area will have a warning system in place. Pay attention to know when clearing the deck is an absolute must.

To schedule estimate for a defensible space around your property in Black Forest, give Colorado Mastication a call at(719)400-9104.

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