(719) 400-9104

Urban living is described as having more than one house occupying half an acre. It can be a tough situation without many people realizing it. Sure, you have paved streets and easier access to amenities, but you have a problem with a built-up area close together. Don’t find yourself complacent because of the benefits of an urban area. This is a high-risk area when it comes to wildfires. How is that possible when there aren’t the forests around you? More Houses Create a Higher Risk of Fire While forests are certainly a problem for wildfires, built-up areas can also be a major risk. It’s all about the houses in the area. There are a lot of different ways to build

For estimate on creating defensible space in El Paso county, contact us now. The best thing you can do to protect your home from wildfires is to create a defensible space. This is going to be in the first two zones on your property, covering up to 100ft or up to your property boundary line. Zone 1 is the most critical, but you will need to play close attention to Zone 2. Zone 1 is the first 30ft from your house. Zone 2 then covers up to your boundary line or 100ft, whichever comes first. However, Zone 1 is split into two, with Zone 1A being the first three to five feet of land from your decks, shed, or whatever