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Evaluate your siding as part of defensible space at your property in Franktown. A siding is a great way to make your home standout. You can paint it bright colors if you want. It’s also a great way to add more insulation to your exterior walls to lock in the heat in the winter. However, it causes a risk in the summer months. When it comes to the wildfires, there is a chance that it will create the perfect opportunity for embers to spark. This is a No. 5 priority, though. There are much bigger issues to focus on first, such as your roof, your vents, and the vegetation around the home. How Sidings Can Cause Problems with Wildfires If

When you camp in areas with a lot of greenery, you’ll find that making a campfire is pretty difficult. This doesn’t seem like a good thing for you at the time, but it is when it comes to the safety of you and people and wildlife around. Green forests are healthy forests. The moisture in the branches and the soil will help to reduce the risk of fire. When there’s drought, the moisture content in living plants drop, and this can lead to disaster. Dead Plants in Moist Conditions You’ll hear a lot about how dead and diseased plants are the problem for wildfires. They are a big problem, but when in moist conditions, they offer a smaller threat. While