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Fires need certain elements to burn. They make use of everything around them to keep burning, and part of that is the wind. And you’ll know that windspeeds can easily hit 60mph, with some reaching as high as 100mph. If fires ignite during a wind event, it will lead to the flames spreading for hundred of yards. It doesn’t matter if there is a lot of fuel nearby. The wind will help the sparks travel, which is why it’s so important to have the right zones around your house when you build it in an area prone to wildfires. The Creation of Fire Spots When fires start during a wind event, the wind will blow some of the sparks to

When working on your defensible space around your home in Black Forest, consider deck a part of defensible space. To help prevent the spread of wildfire and damage to your home, you need to understand how various elements will affect your safety. Your deck is a No. 2 priority. This doesn’t mean low; it means that it just comes slightly after the roof, the vents, and the vegetation around your home. The decks are still problematic when it comes to fires. We’ll look at how they contribute to the spread, and what you can do to manage the problem. How Decks Cause Problems in Wildfires Embers will spread from the fires to other parts of the land. The wind will