(719) 400-9104

To fire mitigate your property, located in Littleton, contact us now. You’ve heard of the term “fire mitigation.” If you live in an area where wildfires are common, you may even hear about the steps you can take to mitigate fires. The question for many is what this really means. Does it mean all fires are suppressed and prevented? What about the ecosystems that rely on forest fires? It’s important to understand what fire mitigation really means so you can take the right steps. Preventing Fires from Starting In some cases, the fire mitigation tips will be used to prevent fires from having the chance to ignite. This step usually involves getting rid of the fuel that will lead to

Would like to know how much it costs to create defensible space around your Littleton home? Call today to schedule a free estimate on fire mitigation. (719)400-9104. Colorado is one of the areas in the United States that suffers badly from wildfires. Fire mitigation is necessary to protect communities and the wildlife in the area. There are certain guidelines all areas should follow, including the creation of defensible space. Defensible space is an excellent way to reduce the potential damage fires can cause. It helps to limit the spread of the fire, not stopping the fire altogether as fires are needed. The Colorado fire mitigation guidelines are in place for existing and new buildings. The Creation of Defensible Space Defensible