Scrub Oak Removal And Pruning, Parker

Scrub oak can be a troublesome shrub, so pruning it in areas such as Parker is very important for a lot of reasons. Scrub oak loves dry landscapes and can be found in at-risk areas of wildfire, so either removing them completely or pruning them back becomes a very essential thing to do.

How to Identify a Scrub Oak?

The leaves of a gambel oak are reasonably long (up to 6inches) with up to 9 lobes on each that are hairy underneath. The scrub oak also has acorns attached which are about an inch long and sit in bowl-shaped cups.

The acorns can be eaten by deer and various other animals such as rodents.

Benefits Of Scrub Oak Pruning

Pruning of trees, in general, is very important and not just for aesthetical reasons. Trees can grow out of control and cause danger to surrounding infrastructure and people. Light pruning can be done all year long, but if you want to do a thorough cut, then it is best to carry this out in fall or winter.

Pruning can stop the spread of disease if some branches are showing signs of disease. If you think of pruning as cleaning, then you are halfway there. You want the tree to look better, by cleaning all of the wild branches that stick out and any that are diseased as mentioned before. This will leave a healthy tree that uses its resources on its healthy growth.

How Do You Trim A Scrub Oak In Parker?


There are a number of ways you can prune a gambel oak in particular and the methods can be used on many different trees. Below are some tips to get you started.

1.Use the correct tools for the thickness of each branch. If a branch is less than one-half an inch thick, hand pruners are fine. If they are any bigger then loppers will need to be used. Remember to use extension poles to get to higher areas.2. Never remove more than one-third of a tree canopy in each season. Dying, diseased or dead wood can be removed of course, but any live wood should be cut sparingly to not let the tree be exposed.

3. If you decide to use power tools like chainsaws to prune your trees, then take extra care, both on the tree and for yourself. It might be best to let a professional handle any power tools so that the tree doesn’t get damaged.

If you live in Parker and have a lot of scrub oaks to prune, you may be better off getting a professional to do so. Tree service professionals can keep your trees tame and in great condition.
For more information, on how to get a detailed estimate on scrub oak removal, call (719)400-9104. In addition to pruning services, we also offer brush clearing services for new home construction, barn construction, fence construction and fire mitigation.


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