Scrub oak removal in Colorado Springs

Free estimate on scrub oak removal and fire mitigation in Colorado Springs. Call (719)400-9104.scrub oak removal Colorado Springs

Scrub oak is one of the most widely spread trees in El Paso County. Here are some quick scrub oak tree facts:
• Scrub Oak rarely reproduces from acorns. Instead, it grows from its deep, extensive root system.
• Its scientific name is Quercus gambelii.
• Gambel Oak trees/scrub oak trees are named after William Gambel, an American naturalist.
• Scrub Oak is commonly found throughout western Colorado between 6,000 and 9,000 feet in elevation.
• There is not a singular type of scrub wood. Instead, there are many types such as the Rocky Mountain scrub oak and the California scrub oak, both of which are grown in dry, rocky soil out in the West.
• It prefers to grow in full sun, well drained and low alkaline soil. Scrub oak shrubs can easily tolerate drought.

Before removing scrub oak on your Colorado Springs property, learn what it looks like

Scrub oak basically looks like a shrub or small tree with evergreen leaves and red-brown bark (or grey). Its average height is 20 to 30 feet with the width of 15 feet. It mostly reproduces by extensive root system. The leaves are rounded with deep lobes. Leaf is glossy above and slightly hairy beneath. Gambel oak forms multiple light brown-gray stems. The fruit is acorn. Cap encloses about half the acorn.
In other words, think of scrub oak as a miniature, evergreen oak tree.

What’s So Great About Scrub Oak Trees?

Other than the fact that they are one the most fire-adapted trees in Colorado, because scrub oaks can easily adapt to different types of environments, their wood can be used to make firewood and create fence posts.
While some trees take a long time to grow back, scrub oaks can grow back immediately from root sprouts. That is why compared to most oaks; scrub oaks are really great for controlling erosion. They also require very little irrigation and are generally pest free.
In addition, their acorns are used to feed many different types of wildlife including birds, deer, and squirrels.
Due to their small size, scrub oaks fit well on residential lots. So, depending on where exactly they are grown, scrub oaks can not only provide shade to users, they can also be used to screen parking lots and undesirable views.

Our scrub oak removal in Colorado Springs can done for one of the following reasons:

In addition to regular brush removal with masticator, we offer scrub oak pruning which involves removing dead, diseased and nuisance branches.
We offer scrub oak removal services throughout the Colorado Springs Metro area. We are also available for brush clearing, forest thinning, ips beetle killed tree removal, fire mitigation.

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