Scrub Oak Removal in Black Forest

scrub-oak-removal-black-forestIf you are ready to fire mitigate your home in Black Forest, give us a call for a free estimate on scrub oak removal, brush clearing, and any other gambel oak mitigation questions. (719)400-9104.

What Kills Scrub Oak Trees?

While scrub oak trees can offer some benefits to an environment, unmanaged gambel oak can be fire hazard. You may find them growing in areas that isn’t beneficial, so you need to take care of the situation. That means removing the scrub oak trees.

Getting rid of the systems can be difficult. Here’s how to remove the scrub oak tree from your home.

Remove While Still Saplings

To better understand scrub oak eradication, learn about gambel oak fact sheet. The best thing to do is remove the systems while they’re still growing. They’re much easier to deal with, allowing you to grasp the saplings and pull up. You’ll find this much easier with saplings that haven’t grown to more than an inch in diameter.

If you can’t do it by hand, you’ll want to get UV stabilized plastic sheets. Opt for three sheets thick of the material to help with the best removal process.

Stretch the sheet across the saplings and anchor in place at the corners. You should make sure the plastic sheet extends past the scrub oak saplings, ensuring there’s no infestation showing. It will take about two years for this to have positive effects in killing the saplings, as it will also kill any of the oak seedlings that have dropped.

The downside of the plastic is that you’re killing everything underneath the plastic sheet. This may not be viable if you want to kill the saplings but keep other vegetation.

Use Your Mower or Brush Cutter

You can take your mower to the seedlings. You’ll need to do this three times a year over a five year process. Mowing will eventually kill out the entire system. You interrupt the ability to drop more seedlings and grow a new system.

Use Herbicide Treatments

You can use herbicides to get rid of your scrub oak problem. The herbicide is a spot treatment, and the scrub oak will pull the herbicide into its system and kill itself from the inside out

The above tips will help you quickly deal with unwanted brush and scrub oak in Black Forest and the surrounding areas. If you would like to hire a scrub oak removal expert, contact us for a free scrub oak removal quote.

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