Fire Mitigation Education And Prevention in Castle Rock

If you are located in Castle Rock area and would like to get on our schedule for fire mitigation services, call now (719)400-9104 or contact us by email

Wildfires are becoming commonplace all around the world and especially in areas with a hot and dry climate. More and more people are living in these areas, which makes the problem that much more frightening. Wildfire education and prevention are a must in this day and age.

Knowing how to prevent a wildfire happening, how to prevent it from spreading and how to help yourself and family during a wildfire is extremely important. Education is key to preparing for the worst that can happen, you have to know what you are doing in the event of a wildfire as it is the difference between life and death.

Learn And Follow Fire Alerts

Anytime you are told of a potential wildfire, or the immediate start of a fire in your area you need to take action straight away. You need to be educated to know what your next steps should be, to follow any fire alerts and to take them seriously.

When there is a fire nearby, people will have to evacuate to a safe area before they get stranded. Learn where your closest shelters are and also where the roads are and what direction they go in. If you have any livestock, learn where you can take them to be safe quickly and efficiently.

Fire Breaks As a Fire Prevention Measure

When firefighters are trying to fight a wildfire they will try to create fire breaks, which involves opening up a wide corridor in a forest to stop the fire from spreading. They can release fire-retardants, or just prepare an area so that the fire can’t increase and move quickly. If they remove all trees and forest material, then it starves the fire of any ‘fuel’ to keep burning.

Clearing areas of smaller ‘fuel’ objects on your Castle Rock property as a fire mitigation measure ahead of time can be a real help in case of a wildfire. If you live in a fire-prone area, you will need to take steps in order to reduce ‘fuel’ around your home and property. Remove long, dry grass, dead undergrowth & fallen leaves on a regular basis, this will help you in the long run. Create firebreaks ahead of time to help slow down and stop a wildfire if it gets out of control.

You can also attend local wildfire mitigation seminars & talk to your local fire department. Education and prevention are vital to surviving and protecting the area that you live in from the devastation of a wildfire.

Need estimate on fire mitigation work? Call (719)400-9104, or email us at Our services include fire mitigation, brush clearing, land clearing for pasture, new home construction, fence construction.




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