How to Create a Defensible Space for Your Colorado Home You Can Live With

Defensible space creation on your Colorado property has become a vital part of taking care of your home. With wildfires happening every year, you want to make sure your home is protected from harm with fire mitigation. That means creating a defensible space. Of course, you want that space to look good at the same time

defensible space Colorado
What Is a Defensible Space for Colorado Home?

This type of space is just what it sounds like. You create an area that removes the fuel that makes fires spread quickly. Whether manmade or natural, you have this gap between home and fuel, slowing down the spread of the fire and protecting your family.

A defensible space is also good for the firefighters. They have somewhere safe to stand while they work to put out the wildfires and defend yours and your neighbors’ homes.

Defensible Space Landscaping: Avoiding Privacy and Beauty Interference

Two of the main reasons people don’t opt for defensible spaces is because they interfere with beauty and privacy. You have this large gap between woodland and home, making it easier for someone to see your property and look through the windows. You lose that natural look of the forest area, which is often the reason you bought the house in the first place.

However, you don’t have to lose that. Well-crafted spaces will offer its own beauty. There’s no need to create this barren landscape that offers no nutrition for wildlife or beautiful flora.

The truth is, creating a defensible space often means making the space look more beautiful. Live trees and flora don’t offer the fuel for wildfires. It’s the dead, dying, and diseased trees, leaves, and weeds that cause the problems and these don’t look beautiful at all. By removing them, you’re allowing the living trees and grass to thrive, creating a gorgeous woodland.

Your privacy doesn’t need to be affected either. To start a defensible space, you need to get rid of overhanging branches over the roof, dead branches close to the chimney, and even pine needles and dry leaves from the yard and rain gutters. A lot of the problems are directly on your lawn, including weeds and dead plants.

Act now to protect your home. A defensible space can look clean, smart, and bright when done right. If you would like to create a defensible space around your property, contact Colorado Mastication, defensible space contractors, today at (719)400-9104 or submit your defensible space assessment request here.

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