Brush Clearing in Black Forest

Brush clearing in Black Forest is essential. Without it, you put your home at risk of wildfires spreading. However, you need the right tools for your needs, and those tools will depend on how tough brush-clearing-black-forestand dense the brush is.

Not sure where to get started? Here are the best tools for tree and brush removal.

Pole Saws and Weed Whips

Start with a pole saw for the overhead clearing. You’ll have an extra long handle, reaching up to some of the highest trees and vegetation. This overhead work is also far safer, since you’re not climbing up anything.

Look out for a pole saw with a telescopic pole. You’ll be able to see up high easier.

A weed whip is also essential for closer to the ground. The whip has two cutting edges, helping to remove the weeds and debris on the ground. All you need to do is swing strongly and you’ll clear out the brush easily.

Hatchet and Axes

The next two tools to consider are the hatchet and axe. The hatchet is easy to carry, making them great for longer but smaller cutting jobs. You’ll need to make sure they’re sharpened, though! These are great for the denser bushes, but not great for trees.

If you need to cut down trees, the axe is the cheapest place to start. There’s a reason these old-fashioned tools are still used. As long as they’re sharpened, they make light of big work.

Pruning Shears and Machetes

When you need thick saplings and weeds to be removed, pruning shears are your friends. They’re lightweight and efficient for brush clearing in Black Forest, but make sure you’re wearing gloves!

Machetes are also useful for small but dense sections. You just swing and remove. The downside is the effort, as they will certainly work your arm muscles.

Mechanical Tools

When you want easy brush clearing in Black Forest, you need to turn to the mechanical tools. Chain saws have become extremely popular, especially when dealing with large trees. They’re loud and you need to control where you hold them because they are extremely dangerous. However, they offer great performance.

A brush mower is another consideration. It will cut through brush that is up to 3in thick, and you can walk behind them as if you’re mowing the lawn!

Brush clearing companies offer unwanted shrub removal services with mastication equipment. Colorado Mastication specializes in removing unwanted brush with masticator.

Dealing with the Stump

Finally, you need a stump grinder. When you’ve cut down the trees and dealt with the shrubs, you have stumps left behind. They will dry out and become fuel for fire, so the best thing to do is completely remove. The grinder will remove the root system, literally grinding away at the remaining tree until nothing is left.

For questions about our brush and shrub clearing services, give us a call at (719)400-9104. We will be happy to answer your questions.

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