Evacuation List In Case of Wildfire, Colorado

It doesn’t matter how much you prepare. There is a huge rush of adrenaline when an emergency happens. Mental clarity is not something that is always there.evacuation-list-wildfire-colorado

One of the best things you can do is to have an evacuation list ahead of time. This isn’t just about what you should take with you. You also need to have a list of what specific people will take. And you need to practice the plan regularly.

If you are out of town, you’ll want to make sure house sitters or pet sitters are aware of the evacuation list. This will help them should something happen to make sure they don’t leave anything important behind.

Breaking Down the Evacuation List

You need to have a five-minute, a one-hour, and a six-plus-hour evacuation list. These are divided into packing and to-do lists. The idea is that you have 30 seconds to get out of the door.

The five-minute list needs to be realistic. You’re not getting everything out of the house, so you need to think of the items that can’t be replaced. They are:

• Your pets
• Photo albums/videos
• Heirloom jewelry
• Important documents

You can have items packed if you’re getting warnings of a potential disaster. There are some items that are worth having packed at all times. Not only are you ready in an emergency, but the items are on hand.

A Document Box for a Five-Minute List

You need a box that is full of the documents that you will need now or potentially in the future. These include:
• Birth certificates
• Passports
• Marriage licenses/divorce paperwork
• Legal documents
• Tax files/Investment paperwork
• House deed/mortgage documents
• Property records
• Insurance paperwork
• Medical files
• School paperwork
• Military documents/discharge paperwork
• Recent utility bills
• Pet vaccination records
• Driver’s license and credit cards

A lot of items are now online, but don’t rely on the internet working in a disaster. Make sure anything is stored on the Cloud, though. At least after the disaster has passed, the power lines and internet connections will go back up and you’ll be able to access everything when you later need it.

What Else Do You Need to Take

You’ll have clothes in your bug out bag, but what about the clothes you recently wore. You like these items, and you don’t necessarily want them to be damaged in the disaster. It is okay to grab some dirty laundry and deal with them at a laundromat when you’re on the road.
Other items to remember are:
• Laptop
• External hard drive
• Photo albums
• Jewelry
• Camera and bag
• Cell phone charges
• Binoculars
• Medication
• Extra contact lenses, glasses, solution etc.

Make a list of all the items you have and where they are stored. People will be able to quickly head to those locations to grab everything off their list.

Then there are the tasks to do before you leave the house, which include:
• Close all windows
• Close the fireplace flue
• Turn off air con and fans
• Close any storm shutters and metal shades
• Remove the drapes and fabric shades
• Unlock the doors (so emergency personelle can get in)
• Move furniture away from windows
• Turn on exterior lights
• Turn off the propane to the house
• Close the garage door
• Remove the ice holder from the freeze and put it in the sink

You may be surprised by some of the tasks, but you’ll be grateful when you return from the emergency.
