(719) 400-9104

As you prune and cut down trees for fire mitigation, you end up with a lot of slash to deal with. You need to get rid of this slash, otherwise it becomes fuel for fire78s to spread. In fact, you could increase the risk of a fire spreading faster than just leaving the branches on the trees! Fires spread by burning up fuel on the forest floor first. Hauling the Slash There are a few ways to deal with slash, and the first is hauling. You will pick up the debris and get rid of it, usually in a small pickup truck. Many counties will even have free collection sites that you can take it to, although some are only

Full questions about our fire services, call (719)400-9104. Pruning trees is important for fire mitigation. At the same time, you need to manage the levels of pruning to make sure you don’t harm the tree. Excessive pruning is a major problem to the life and health of the tree. Use the Right Tools for the Job You need to invest in good tools for pruning your trees. A sharp saw is necessary to ensure that any cut is smooth. This promotes faster healing for the tree branch. You are cutting a limb off the tree, after all! You’ll also want to make sure your tools are sterilized, just like a surgeon sterilizes their tools for surgery. Use alcohol or diluted