(719) 400-9104

For thinning of pinyon or juniper woodlands, give Colorado Mastication a call at (719)400-9104. In the Four Corners region of the southwest of Colorado, you’ll see a lot of pinyon pines and juniper trees. You’ll see the pinyon pines around the higher elevations for the most part. Meanwhile, the junipers prefer the lower elevations as they are more tolerant of drought conditions. Before we had to look at ways to supress fires due to the increase in wildfires, there wouldn’t be too many of the trees in one area. Now, we tend to find pinyons and junipers create a closed canopy and the woodlands are becoming denser. This is a problem. Trees Are Taking Over the Areas Low-intensity fires are

For estimate on fire mitigating beetle killed trees, you can reach us at (719)400-9104.3 While wildfires are a risk, they become more of a risk due to pests and disease. Beetle killed trees are a growing concern around Colorado, with bark beetles being the most common pest problem. Bark beetles have been responsible for the death of multiple forest areas. This spread is exponential if not controlled because the beetles don’t care about the trees—they just want a home and food. Drought-stressed trees are most at risk as they don’t have as much pitch, the main defense against beetles. Knowing a Tree Is Affected by Beetles You want to protect a tree as soon as possible. If you’re seeing the