(719) 400-9104

The first two zones closest to the house are the most crucial when it comes to mitigating wildfires and protecting the house. Zone 2 starts at 30ft from the house and covers up to 100ft. If your property boundary is within 100ft of the house, you will need to do your best to mitigate up to that point. The topography is going to affect some of the steps you take, as it will affect the spread of a fire. It’s rare to live on a perfect circle or perfectly flat ground, so you’ll need to deal with slopes. The steeper the slope, the slower fires will spread unless they have the wind to help. Watch Out for Drought Conditions If

It can seem like the best thing to do in fire prone areas is to get rid of the propane tank altogether. Surely there are other options around. Well, don’t go searching for them. You can keep your propane tank and protect your home at the same time. You’ll want to buy your propane tank rather than rent it. Most rental agreements make it clear that you have to keep the tank above ground. That’s not going to keep your property safe, and it’s going to cost you more in the long run. Protecting your home isn’t going to be cheap. It is going to be the best investment for you, your family, and the entire community, though. Why Put