(719) 400-9104

For questions about fire mitigation measures, call (719)400-9104. There are some states known for drought conditions in the summer months. Colorado is one of them, and the conditions are a growing concern. Due to drought, the forests have become stressed and weakened. Drought conditions have had a major impact on water supplies. It’s leading to agricultural problems, and the forests are dying. Drought will kill trees due to the need for water for survival, but there are other problems because of drought that can’t be overlooked. Drought Conditions Lead to More Wildfires There’s no doubt that the number of wildfires during the year has increased around the world. Colorado is seeing an increase, and the drought conditions are not helping

Forest management of dead trees killed by spruce beetles. Call or text (719)400-9104. There are a few common pests around the Colorado area. The deadliest forest pest of all is still the spruce beetle. It’s important to detect and monitor any insect and disease activity around the forests. The sooner the problem is detected, the easier it is going to be managed. A few beetles cause problems year after year, but it’s the spruce beetle that is the most dangerous for forest life. How Much Area Is Affected by the Spruce Beetle? The spruce beetle, Latin name Dendroctonus rufipennis, affected around 53,000 acres of land in 2021 alone. This is much more than other types of beetles in the area.