(719) 400-9104

Contact us at (719)400-9104 to schedule and estimate on removing beetle-killed forests. The mountain pine beetle is in the media a lot. This insect has managed to kill a lot of forests. A total of 3.3 million acres of land in Colorado alone has been affected by mountain pine beetles, with spruce beetles killing another million acres. It was lodgepole pines affected first, but now the beetles have moved onto ponderosa pines. The Hardiness of the Beetles A mountain pine beetle is one of the hardiest of all insects. The larvae can withstand the extreme cold thanks to the glycol (the chemical compound that creates antifreeze!) within the outer layers. It would take bark temperatures of -30F to kill the

When it comes to protecting your land from a wildland fire, you need to understand more about the natural situation heading your way. It’s important to understand how fires start, and what they need to keep burning. Wildland fires are natural. They start on their own, and they even have a place in the lifecycle of forests and woodland. It’s all about the “fire triangle.” What is the Fire Triangle? Wildfires will move fast in the direction of where there’s the most supply of the elements they need. The elements make up the fire triangle, so to control the fires, the triangle needs to collapse. This is how firefighters work to put out the fires. Heat, fuel, and oxygen make