(719) 400-9104

Please call today for a free estimate on fire mitigation in teller county, or any other brush clearing projects, (719)400-9104. If you move into a wildfire area, you need to make sure you’re ready for anything. The best thing you can do is make sure your home is as wildfire resilient as possible. This isn’t just good for your own health, but essential to protect your property. What Can You Do to Prevent Wildfire Spreading? Some homes will survive out of luck. However, that’s the minority of homes. Most of them survive because of careful planning and maintenance, awareness of combustible materials around the property, and the incorporation of fire-resistant construction materials when building properties. You can’t do much about

Fire mitigation company, Woodland Park Colorado. Call for free estimate on brush clearing, scrub oak removal, dead tree removal, lot clearing and tree thinning (719)400-9104. When you’re in a wildfire area, you need to do as much as possible to mitigate the damage. Every resident has a part to play to protect their own lives and to protect the community. Here’s a checklist to follow for forest fire mitigation measures. Ongoing Maintenance for Your Woodland Park Property Before every fire season, you need to take some steps to maintain your property. Some of the steps will also be taken every three months or so just to protect your home (and to make maintenance easier). • Have a 3ft to 5ft