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You know all about wildfires now. Every summer, you will hear something about them and how they’re causing devastation and danger to various parts of the United States and the world. But what about the history of wildfires? How have we got to this point? The First Wildfires Wildfires aren’t happening purely due to the ozone layer and human elements. There has been a history of wildfires dating back around 420 million years ago. And that’s just the first evidence found around the Welsh Borders through plant fossils. The fires have started during the Early Devonian period and have continued throughout the Carboniferous and Late Permian period. In fact, each period has seen some sort of wildfire take place, with

Fire mitigation is part of fire-resistant construction techniques. Contact us for a free estimate. Some parts of the country are more likely to see wildfires than others. You’ll hear of them in California, Colorado, and other parts of the States where droughts and high temperature more than in places that have a lot of cooler and wetter weather. However, the local fuels and topography will also come into play. These are all factors to consider when constructing homes. You want to make homes as fire resistant as possible to reduce the risk of wildfires spreading and homeowners being in danger. Here are techniques you can follow to help. Carry Out All Hazard and Risk Assessments Necessary Before you even start